Hot Wheels Party was a success - sorry no photos(still need camera). Here are some great activities for your little racer.
- I'm not a fan of painting at kids parties since I go into a client's home but if you are hosting your own party, you can buy wooden cars and have the children paint them.
- Make license name plate necklaces with lanyard lacing or ribbon, cut foam plates and letter stickers adding some car stickers around their names.
- Pin driver on the race car - poster of a race car & little boy cutouts
- Pit Stop Race - toolbox with play tools, cones and a streamer at the finish line, play relay style
- Red light Green light
Traffic light - 3 circles cut out of foam, green, yellow & red. Have kids pretend to be a car and zoom around when you hold up the green is go, yellow is slow down & red is stop.
- Station of hot wheels & track set-up
- For outside parties or if there is ample space - make box cars out of cardboard boxes, paint and decorate & cut holes so kids can step in and hold while they run a race track set-up in the yard.
Stick with a white, black & yellow theme & zoom zoom for some party FUN!